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Sinhala Unicode Real-Time Converter

Would Do you like to type in Sinhala without using a software? This online tool will translate Singlish into Sinhala Unicode for free. It also instantly convert the Unicode texts into the font format. You can use it for graphic design softwares like Photoshop, Illustrator, Coral Draw. The converted font text is compatible with all DL, FM and Apex Sinhala font types and many more. By registering with us, you will have the opportunity to save the typed articles on this site.

Sinhala Unicode Real-Time Converter

If you already have Unicode and want to convert it to Sinhala Type Format, the steps you need to follow are mentioned below.

Copy your Unicode text to the "SL Unicode" section and get the translated text font from the "Sinhala type" section.

Beginners Guide

This is not a complicated process. It's almost like typing an SMS in Singlish. To make this even easier, use the keywords hints provided in the menu on the right.